So this broadsword should be played in great speed 攻防意识强,具有实战的价值。
As the so - called qi ' s dao we see can not be said to be tang broadsword 正如我们看见所谓的"戚家刀"不能就说是"唐大刀"一样
If it really needs correct the black dragon broadsword , i ' m from hunan . this sword has the same experience 哦,有必要更正一下青龙大刀的话,小弟是国内人士,来自湖南.此剑也是这般经历
The hilt seems to be processed by machine . such broadsword was used to decollate the lamasters in army in the past 刀柄象是机加工的,还有这种样式的大刀,在过去军队里是执法队里用的,是冲锋时临阵退缩者、逃兵等杀头的工具。
Wants to try several consecutive huang guo , thereby throwing the ball into the restricted single broadsword face goalie looked smoke break scores feeling mody 想尝试一下连续晃过数人,将球带入禁区,单刀面对守门员拔脚怒射破门得分的感觉么。
For routines which use two ( 2 ) apparatuses , both apparatuses should be held in one hand to salute in the same way as with the salute broadsword , spear or cudgel 运动员若持双器械,应将器械交一手执握,行抱刀礼或持剑礼、持枪(棍)礼;若不适合行礼时,则应两手持械面向裁判长立正行注目礼。
To its great surprises , cheng kung cheng jumped onto the sand hill and chopped the tiger with a broadsword , cutting off the tails of the tiger that failed to escape in time 想不到国姓爷趁其不备,飞跃跳上沙仑,大刀砍向老虎,惊慌的老虎,一时闪避不及,而被砍落尾巴,从此这个地方便取名为虎尾。
The family has hundreds different martial types , boxing , broadsword , spear , cudgel , chikung , qingkung and neikun , virgin boy martial , wushu on the log and horse back , for example 少林功夫始于北魏,盛于唐初,自明代走向成熟,逐渐发展为拳、刀、枪、棍、气功、轻功、内功、童子功、桩功、马上、步下等数百种功夫。
Iron rulers , butterfly knives , short - hilted broadsword , trident , sharp iron pole , great speed sword , five element pole , yellow cow twisting tongue pole , poisonous snake pole , cicada catching pole , nine - segment steel whip , iron balls , etc ?尺,子母刀,单刀,大耙, ?针,追风剑,五行棍,黄牛钻咀棍,毒蛇棍,捕蝉棍,九节钢鞭, ?鸳鸯等
The weapons used in wushu fall into three categories : long weapons including spears and broadswords ; short weapons such as short swords , daggers and hooks ; and flexible weapons which includes nine - section cudgels and three - section cudgels 武术的兵器有三大类:长兵器,包括长枪、大刀;短兵器,包括短剑、匕首和钩;软兵器,包括九节鞭和三节棍。