As he stripped the saddle from the buckskin and led her to the watering-through by the stable corral . 他把黄膘马的马鞍卸下来,把它牵到了马栏边的饮水槽前。
" dressed in a dashing suit of buckskin , 穿着一身华丽的鹿皮装
It didn t have an iron latch on the front door , nor a wooden one with a buckskin string , but a brass knob to turn , the same as houses in town 大门上并没有安装铁门闩,也不装带鹿皮绳子的门闩,用的是可以转动的铜把手,镇上的人家也都是这样的。
Then we started for the house , and i went in the back door - you only have to pull a buckskin latchstring , they don t fasten the doors - but that warn t romantical enough for tom sawyer ; no way would do him but he must climb up the lightning - rod 随后我们往屋子走去,我从后门进只消拉一下用鹿皮做的门闩绳子就行了,他们门是不锁的不过这样还不够浪漫,不合汤姆索亚的胃口。他非要爬那根避雷针上楼才算够味。
He wore trousers of blue cloth , boots tolerably clean , but not of the brightest polish , and a little too thick in the soles , buckskin gloves , a hat somewhat resembling in shape those usually worn by the gendarmes , and a black cravat striped with white , which , if the proprietor had not worn it of his own free will , might have passed for a halter , so much did it resemble one 他的裤子是用蓝布做的,皮鞋非常干净,但擦得并不很亮,而且鞋跟略微太显厚了一点儿戴着鹿皮手套一顶有点儿象宪兵常戴的那种帽子和一条黑白条纹的领结。这个领结如果不是主人爱惜的话,原本可以不用了。
We got an old tin lantern , and a butcher - knife without any handle , and a bran - new barlow knife worth two bits in any store , and a lot of tallow candles , and a tin candlestick , and a gourd , and a tin cup , and a ratty old bedquilt off the bed , and a reticule with needles and pins and beeswax and buttons and thread and all such truck in it , and a hatchet and some nails , and a fishline as thick as my little finger with some monstrous hooks on it , and a roll of buckskin , and a leather dog - collar , and a horseshoe , and some vials of medicine that didn t have no label on them ; and just as we was leaving i found a tolerable good curry - comb , and jim he found a ratty old fiddle - bow , and a wooden leg 我们找到了一盏旧的白铁皮灯盏,一把铁把子的割肉刀。还有一把崭新的巴罗牌大折刀,在随便哪家铺子里卖,也值两毛五分钱。还有不少牛油蜡烛,一个白铁烛台,还有一把葫芦瓢,一只白铁杯子,一条破烂的旧被子丢在床边,一只手提包,里边装着针线黄蜡钮扣等等东西。