| 1. | National bunraku theatre of japan , and see puppet theatre ,可留意国立文乐剧场的最新公演。 |
| 2. | Inspired by the everlasting emotions expressed in bunraku doll theater 有此不提也罢,有些刻骨铭心。 |
| 3. | To be honest , my knowledge about bunraku is very brief . the red rope tying the two lovers up is probably a symbol of the puppet string 笔者曾看过有一电影以这种木偶戏chikamatsu为题材,名为double suicide ,讲述一对苦命男女为情自杀。 |
| 4. | Music played with the instrument shamisen , a kind of guitar with only three strings . kabuki and bunraku performances are accompanied by the shamisen 由“三味线”演奏的音乐。 “三味线”是一种只有三根弦的弹拨乐器。 “歌舞伎”和“文乐木偶戏”的伴奏也是用“三味线” 。 |
| 5. | Therefore it is not easy to comprehend what exactly kitano wants to explore with the theme of the bunraku performance . is he trying to embrace it or challenge it ? hard to say 他并没有完全依从木偶戏依重旁白的传统,相反,电影只以极少的对白说故事,务求令观众更能投入于色彩夺目的画面之上。 |
| 6. | I am yet to discover if there is any implicit meaning behind this " walking " motif . kitano s unique style is always highly acclaimed by his fans . this time , he is not as frenetic as before 说到三个短篇故事是否有任何连带关系,由于笔者只曾观看电影一遍,对于片中的主题木偶戏bunraku也只有皮毛的认识,实在难以作深入的解画和探讨。 |
| 7. | Bunraku is a kind of performing art in which puppets are manipulated by puppeteers on the stage , while joruri chanters and shamisen sit on stage to the audience s right , singing and narrating the puppet performance 今次也不例外,电影的灵感应当来自日本传统艺术木偶戏bunraku 。这种艺术主要由一班木偶师负责控制木偶,说书人旁述故事和唱歌解画。 |
| 8. | The elegant costume of the lovers make them look like puppet as well . while kitano keeps reminding us these characters are based on puppet play , he also subverts the tradition of bunraku performance by minimizing the influence of dialogue in his film 另外,片中西岛秀俊为了防止精神失常的菅野美穗四出闯祸而以红绳把自己和她绑在一起,后来又穿起色彩鲜艳的和服,也令观众觉得他们很像木偶。 |