n. 1.(人数不多的)秘密组织;阴谋。 2.〔C-〕【英史】(查理二世时代)五大臣小组〔他们名字的开首字母:恰巧是C, A, B, A, L 五个字母〕。 3.(美术、文艺中的)派系。 短语和例子 cabal system 首字串联法〔把各词首字母连接成一词以记忆全文的方法〕。 vi. (-ll-) 玩弄阴谋;结党(图谋)。
Example Sentences:
How loyal are you to your fellow cabal members 你对你的结社成员忠诚吗?
How was your cabal formed 你的结社是如何建立的?
Is there a rival in your cabal ( for power , affection or leadership ) 你在结社里有竞争者嘛(为了力量,影响力,还是领导地位) ?
A small cabal of politicians almost certainly stole the result by fraud ( see article ) 一个政客小集团通过欺骗几乎完全窃取了胜利果实。
We are pleased to announce that cabal online will soon cease charging a monthly subscription fee 我们很荣幸地宣布,惊天动地将取消游戏月费。
Without cooperation , the evolutionary process cannot work ; and without trust , no cabal of experts can act as an ultimate arbiter 没有合作,演进的过程不能工作;没有信任,就没有专家小集团能做出最终的仲裁。
And though their motives vary , the cabals ' tactics are similar . it ' s said that while you have one of the objects , you have no friends , only people waiting for an opening 尽管他们动机各异,阴谋手段却相类似。据说,当你拥有其中一样异能物件,你将会失去所有朋友,只有等待一个开首的人。
Now , it never occurred to me to wish for a nearer inspection of these large insects , with their long black claws , for i always feared to find under their stone wings some little human genius fagged to death with cabals , factions , and government intrigues 我从不想去对这些有黑色长脚爪的大昆虫作较近的观察,因为我老是害怕会在它那石头翅膀底下碰到一个极其严肃极其迂阔脑子里装满了科学玄奥和魔法,充当守护神的小人。