She lit the candles of a candelabra , opened a door facing the end of her bed , and disappeared 她点燃了一只枝形烛台上的几支蜡烛,打开靠床脚边的一扇门走了进去。
The white - covered table was arrayed with pretty dishes and lighted with a four - armed candelabra , each light of which was topped with a red shade 铺着白色台布的餐桌上摆着精美的盘子,点着四叉灯台,每盏灯上安着一只红色灯罩。
Four candelabra , with ten candles apiece , lit up the supper , and of these one was gorgeous in silver plate with sheaves of flowers to right and left of it 桌子上放四盏枝形大烛台,每盏上点十支蜡烛,照亮桌上的餐具,其中有一个烛台是包金的,左右两边还饰有花束。
There was a touch of fire in the passing jests , in the laughing eyes , in the sudden gleam of white teeth , in the reflection of the candelabra on the surface of a glass of champagne 大家愉快得热情高涨,笑意浮现在每个人的眼睛里,洁白的牙时隐时现,香槟酒杯里映出燃烧着的蜡烛。
Say the word ' cactus , ' and many people get a mental picture of a thick , straight up trunk with rounded tip , and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect 一提到仙人掌,很多人脑中就会浮现出这样一副画面:粗直的树干、圆形的顶,强健的枝干如烛台状垂直立着。
Font color = # 000000 > say the word ' cactus , ' and many people get a mental picture of a thick , straight up trunk with rounded tip , and sturdy branches curving to the vertical in a candelabra effect 一提到仙人掌,很多人脑中就会浮现出这样一副画面:粗直的树干、圆形的顶,强健的枝干如烛台状垂直立着。
When he had gone away the lawyer examined the candelabra , fingered it all over , and then , like the doctor , racked his brains over the question what to do with the present 他走后,律师瞧着大烛台,伸出手指头去把它前后左右都摸一阵,后来也象医师那样,为一个问题绞尽脑汁,想了很久:该怎么处置这个礼物呢?