There is no captious client but faulty product 只有不完美的产品,没有挑剔的客户。
Only the best sound and recording chosen to satisfy your captious ears , and best s . . 我们集音乐之大成,从上千首的歌曲中. .
His criticisms were always captious and frivolous , never offering constructive suggestions 他的评论一向轻率并爱吹毛求疵,从不提出有建设性的建议。
Some boss are very captious dan yong at assuming responsibility , some boss are bad - tempered capability is very strong however , wait by no means an isolated case a moment so 有的上司很挑剔但勇于承担责任,有的上司脾气不好能力却很强,如此等等不一而足。
Eliza , who , was headstrong and selfish , was respected . georgiana , who had a spoiled temper , a very acrid spite , a captious and insolent carriage , was universally indulged 伊丽莎自私任性,却受到尊敬乔治亚娜好使性子,心肠又毒,而且强词夺理目空一切,偏偏得到所有人的纵容。
With the change of people consuming need today , they are more and more captious to product packaging , so the design of traditional product package of china must also he of national culture feature 摘要现代社会随着人们消费需求的转变,人们对产品包装越来越挑剔,中国传统产品包装的设计也必须是具有民族文化特色的。
Only the best sound and recording chosen to satisfy your captious ears , and best songs selected from thousands of songs to produce this hi - end album , which is absolute a hard work , and can be called the hope project of beautiful sound , the best music project 极致美声,与你分享,不管是爵士乐民谣美声或是纯净之声,我们都坚持呈现最好的声音和最好的录音,绝对不辜负你的耳朵。我们集音乐之大成,从上千首的歌曲中挑选做成这个发烧人声的精选专辑。