n. 1.西班牙王室正统派成员。 2.法国王室正统派成员〔查理十世及波旁(Bourbon) 王朝的支持者〕。
Example Sentences:
As the european powers started to form alliances to check the new super power the carlist war erupted 正当欧洲其他国家缔结同盟,准备与新崛起的超级大国一争高下时,王国内部爆发卡洛斯战争。
A wanted criminal madine had no choice but to join the rebel , he then rediscovered his old friend carlist rieekan , based on rieekan ' s recommendation , madine was accepted by mon mothma despite his past affiliations 觉得可耻的马汀没有选择的馀地只好加入了叛军,并发现了老朋友卡利斯?瑞肯也在同盟之中,而瑞肯则向同盟的最高首领蒙?莫玛斯极力的推荐马汀,蒙?莫斯玛精明且快速的赞成了这项提议。