| 1. | Carmela was greatly troubled that she had not recognized him 卡美拉因为自己当时没看他,心里感到老大的不舒服。 |
| 2. | Said carmela . - certainly , replied the count , are we not in carnival time 当然啦,伯爵答道,我们不是在度狂欢节吗? |
| 3. | " carmela wished to form a quadrille , but there was one lady wanting “卡美拉想跳一次清一色的四对舞,但还少一个女的。 |
| 4. | Each night on my evening rounds , i spoke with carmela ' s husband , john rizzo , about her condition 我每晚巡房时,都会和卡蜜拉的先生里佐谈谈卡蜜拉的情况。 |
| 5. | The villa of san - felice took fire in the rooms adjoining the very apartment of the lovely carmela 圣费里斯的府邸起了火,起火的房间正在可爱的卡美拉的隔壁。 |
| 6. | Carmela was precisely the age and figure of teresa , and teresa was as handsome as carmela 卡美拉的年和身材和德丽莎恰巧一模一样,而德丽莎也如卡美拉一样漂亮。 |
| 7. | The ball was given by the count for the particular pleasure of his daughter carmela , whom he adored 伯爵最钟爱他的女儿卡美拉,这次的舞会就是为讨她喜欢而开的。 |
| 8. | An entire wing of the villa was burnt down ; but what of that , as long as carmela was safe and uninjured 这一场大火烧掉了府邸的一整排厢房,但既然卡美拉安然无恙,那又算得了什么呢? |
| 9. | Carmela looked all around her , but not one of the guests had a costume similar to her own , or those of her companions 她环顾四周,但来宾中没有一个人的衣服和她或她的舞伴的相似的。 |
| 10. | Carmela turned towards the young man who was talking with her , and saying a few words to him , pointed with her finger to teresa 卡美拉就转过去对那个同她讲话的青年讲了几句话,并用手指了指德丽莎。 |