However , it would appear that fabio capello is the elected coach of john terry , who will teach the england coach to be even more uncompromising , and the art of stingy catenaccio , not to mention gesticulating wildly from the sidelines to nobody in particular as an acceptable alternative to getting into the ref ` s face 从这份足坛名贵榜中,我们可以看到新的切尔西教练班底将保证每个球员都有自己的私人教练;在这群经理及教练中,阿夫拉姆.格兰特,亨克.腾卡特和史蒂夫.克拉克起到协调作用;史蒂夫.克拉克管理防守为主球员的私人教练们,腾卡特负责进攻组。