Discussion on changes and significance of serum ceruloplasmin level 人血清铜蓝蛋白水平变化及其意义的初步探讨
Determination of serum ceruloplasmin and al - acid glycoprotein in children infections diseases 1酸性糖蛋白的检测在儿童感染性疾病中的应用
Effects of polifen on serum superoxide dismutase lipid peroxide and ceruloplasmin in patients with coal - worker s pneumoconiosis 过氧化脂质和铜蓝蛋白的影响
Ceruloplasmin - serum protein measured by laboratory to help in the diagnosis of wilson ' s disease 胆红素? ?血色素化学损坏的产物。在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。
The antibody of ceruloplasmin is modified on the qcm by the approach above and the determination of ceruloplasmin is carried out in the buffer solution with 3 . 5 % polyethylene glycol ( peg ) 采用上述固定化方法,将铜蓝蛋白抗体吸附固定于石英晶体表面,在含有3 5的聚乙二醇( peg )缓冲溶液中测定人血清铜蓝蛋白(抗原) 。
It is found that this qcm technique is not only to be comparable to the surface plasmon resonance ( spr ) in response characteristics , but also more simple , cheap and reproducible in its equipments . the fourth part , an amplified by peg mass piezoelectric immunoassay has been developed to detect the ceruloplasmin in human serum 将之用于测定了人血清白蛋白( hsa )抗体的活性,并与文献报道的表面等离子体子共振法( spr )进行了比较,发现该传感系统的响应性能可与spr法媲美,而且较之具有仪器简单廉价、再生简便等优点。
Negatie results of tests for ceruloplasmin , antinuclear antibodies , and antimitochondrial antibodies do not definitiely rule out wilson ' s disease , autoimmune hepatitis , or primary biliary cirrhosis , respectiely ; howeer , these diseases do not adequately explain the other features of this patient ' s presentation 血浆铜蓝蛋白、抗核抗体和抗线粒体抗体检查结果阴性并不能排除肝豆状核变性、自身免疫性肝炎或原发性胆汁性肝硬变,然而,这些疾病各自并不能充分地解释该患者的其他临床表现。