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English translation for "chandernagor"

Example Sentences:
1.Night came on ; the train passed on at full speed , in the midst of the roaring of tigers , bears , and wolves which fled before the locomotive ; and the marvels of bengal , golconda , ruined gour , murshedabad , the ancient capital , burdwan , hugly , and the french town of chandernagor , where passepartout would have been proud to see his country s flag flying , were hidden from their view in the darkness
2.The general route of the great indian peninsula railway is as follows : - leaving bombay , it passes through salcette , crossing to the continent opposite tannah , goes over the chain of the western ghauts , runs thence north - east as far as burhampoor , skirts the nearly independent territory of bundelcund , ascends to allahabad , turns thence eastwardly , meeting the ganges at benares , then departs from the river a little , and , descending south - eastward by burdivan and the french town of chandernagor , has its terminus at calcutta
3.The rest of the furniture of this privileged apartment consisted of old cabinets , filled with chinese porcelain and japanese vases , lucca della robbia faience , and palissy platters ; of old arm - chairs , in which perhaps had sat henry iv or sully , louis xiii or richelieu - for two of these arm - chairs , adorned with a carved shield , on which were engraved the fleur - de - lis of france on an azure field evidently came from the louvre , or , at least , some royal residence . over these dark and sombre chairs were thrown splendid stuffs , dyed beneath persia s sun , or woven by the fingers of the women of calcutta or of chandernagor
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