The only person inside the gloomy building was a charwoman cleaning . 那个昏暗的建筑里面唯一的人,就是一个打杂儿的女人,在那儿打扫屋子。
I fired the charwoman because she was not honest 我辞退了女佣,因为她手脚不老实。
Whose portraits are those ? asked clare of the charwoman “你知道这是谁的画像吗? ”
When the carriage was gone they ascended the stairs to wash their hands , the charwoman showing the way 马车离去了,他们在那个做杂活女人的指引下上楼洗手。
I wonder whether the master - the charwoman was going on ; but here leah turned and perceived me , and she instantly gave her companion a nudge 打杂女工还想往下说,但这时莉娅回过头来,看到了我,便立即用肘子顶了顶她伙伴。
Thereupon mme lerat detained the young woman in the bedroom , while louiset installed himself behind the charwoman in the kitchen in order to watch a chicken being roasted 勒拉太太让小路易呆在厨房里,他站在女佣人后面,看她烤制母鸡,而她把娜娜留在卧室里。
I once , indeed , overheard part of a dialogue between leah and one of the charwomen , of which grace formed the subject . leah had been saying something i had not caught , and the charwoman remarked - 说真的我一次偶尔听到了莉娅和一个打杂女工之间关于格雷斯的一段对话,莉娅先是说了什么话,我没听清楚,而打杂女工回答道:
She is a good hand , i daresay , said the charwoman . ah ! - she understands what she has to do , - nobody better , rejoined leah significantly ; and it is not every one could fill her shoes - not for all the money she gets “呵,她明白自己该干什么没有人比得过她”莉娅意味深长地回答说, “不是谁都干得了她活的,就是给了同她一样多的钱也干不了。 ”
A second visit was paid to the different rooms in the lodgings , and in the kitchen nana talked of economy in the presence of the charwoman , who was basting the fowl , and said that a servant would have cost too much and that she was herself desirous of looking after things 她们又一次参观房子在厨房里,她们看见女仆在烤鸡上浇卤汁,娜娜当着女仆的面,说要节省开支,雇个女佣人花费太大,她想自己操持家务。
This was when i chanced to see the third - storey staircase door which of late had always been kept locked open slowly , and give passage to the form of grace poole , in prim cap , white apron , and handkerchief ; when i watched her glide along the gallery , her quiet tread muffled in a list slipper ; when i saw her look into the bustling , topsy - turvy bedrooms , - just say a word , perhaps , to the charwoman about the proper way to polish a grate , or clean a marble mantelpiece , or take stains from papered walls , and then pass on 普尔戴着整洁的帽子,系着围裙,揣着手帕,从那里经过时。我瞧着她溜过走廊,穿着布拖鞋,脚步声减低到很轻很轻。我看见她往闹哄哄乱糟糟的卧房里瞧了一瞧,只不过说一两句话,也许是给打杂女工们交代恰当的清扫方法:如何擦炉栅,如何清理大理石壁炉架,要不如何从糊了墙纸的墙上把缎子取下。