However , it is hard to find out direct evidences for the accumulation of foreign k + in guard cell vacuoles for stomatal opening to satisfy the chemiosmotic hypothesis 然而该假说缺乏k ~ +等物质在渗透调节的关键部位? ?保卫细胞液泡中积累或耗散的直接证据。
The chemiosmotic hypothesis describes the stomatal opening as a process in which the osmotic materials , mainly potassium , accumulate in guard cells , and as a result of the increase of osmotic pressure and the absorption of water into guard cells the stomata are driven to open . the energy for trans - membrane transport of k + is the hyperpolarized potential across plasmalemma , which is established by the proton extrusion 化学渗透假说认为气孔开放是由外来渗透物质(主要是k ~ + )等在保卫细胞中的累积造成的渗透压上升所致,而离子跨膜运输的动力是诱导气孔开放的因子引发的保卫细胞向胞外泵出质子所造成的超极化膜电位。