vt.,vi. 1.(绕…)运行,巡行,巡逻。 2.转弯抹角打探;绕着圈子说。 n. -tion ,-tory adj.
Example Sentences:
We circumambulated the city on a dreamy sabbath afternoon . 我们在一个如梦的安息日下午,去城里兜了一圈。
And our demo nicely shows the motion of water waves : reflecting , intervening , circumambulating 实验结果表明,水波的运动是逼真的。我们成功地模拟了水波的反射、叠加和绕射现象。
Since vegetable growth , along with all life , extends itself in spiral motion , it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer , just as price and time do on gann ' s calculators 这个宇宙人在格子中旋转,并象蔬菜生长一样,在螺旋运动中使自己变大变强壮,这不就是江恩所说的时间和价格的运动吗?
Then suppabuddha the leper , having been instructed , urged , roused , & encouraged by the blessed one ' s dhamma talk , delighting & approving of the blessed one ' s words , got up from his seat , bowed down to the blessed one , circumambulated him - - keeping him to his right - - and left 于是麻疯病者苏巴菩达受薄伽梵说法的教导、敦促、鼓励、激励,对薄伽梵之言心悦、随喜,离座起身,对薄伽梵顶礼、右绕后离去。