The onset of claudication had been on average 7 . 5 months previous 6以往发生跛行的时间为平均7 . 5月。
Clinically , every patient had low back pain , sciatica and neurogenic claudication 病人虽有症状,但理学检查则不一定有徵象。
Cervical spinal cord compression induced intermittent claudication : a report of 16 cases 颈脊髓源性间歇性跛行16例临床治疗与分析
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture on intermittent claudication of second retrograde lumbar spinal stenosis 针刺治疗继发性退变性腰椎管狭窄间歇性跛行疗效评价
Common body cooling , afraid of the cold , pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene 常见肢体发凉、怕冷、疼痛,间歇跛行甚或肢端溃疡和坏疽。
Unilateral more incidence of lower limb , foot and leg initial cold , afraid of the cold , numb , intermittent claudication , pain , muscle atrophy began to emerge , gan mao peeling and serious ulcers can occur or gangrene 以单侧下肢发病较多,起始足部和小腿发凉,怕冷,麻木,间歇跛行,疼痛,逐渐出现肌肉萎缩,汗毛脱落,严重者可发生溃疡或坏疽。