Please offer the closeup of another side , thanks 请给另一面的细图,谢谢!
Look at that . it ' s like a closeup 看这个,很近的
Figure 5 shows a closeup 图5显示了特写图像。
Puppets made from similar animal skins were used for closeups . shrews are normally about the size of a mouse (裹着皮毛的木偶被用来拍摄近景,真正的? ?只是老鼠的大小。 )
In the closeup view on the lower left , also color coded by x - ray energies , the point sources have been taken out to emphasize the hot gas clouds in the central regions of the antennae 在左下的放大图中(仍按x射线波段的着色法表示) ,点源已被扣除,这样就可以突出触角星系中心区域的热气体云。
Police cruisers everywhere . a media circus . reporters jostle for position . a colorless district attorney steps forward into closeup , flanked by a contingent of s . ate troopers 警车停的到处都是。有如媒体的竞技场,记者们蜂拥着挤向监狱。一位面无表情的地方检察官走近镜头,两侧是全副武装的州警。