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English translation for "cnooc"


Related Translations:
cnooc ltd:  中海油
Example Sentences:
1.Ipmt ? integrated project management team comprised of pmc contractor and cnooc personnel
2.The molding of the professional manager ' s team in cnooc and the reform of their recruitment and the salary system
3.Letter of intent between the philippine national oil co . exploration corp . and the china national offshore oil corp . cnooc
4.In the event of a commercial discovery cnooc has an option to take an interest of up to 51 per cent in that field
5.The branch office is located in tang gu area closed to cnooc ( china ) ltd - tian jin office and tianjin marine office
6.First , chinese firms are becoming more respectable : some , such as cnooc , baosteel and lenovo , are among their industries ' global elite
7.The cnooc bohai sea oil field is china ' s largest offshore oil field and has played an important role in the development of china ' s oil industry
8.Company has been providing senior consulting engineers or supervisors to manage projects for sinopec , cnooc , cact , feec successfully
先后为中石化、中海油、 cact和feec等油公司提供高级工程师和高级监督队伍,进行项目管理。
9.April 18th 2005 , principle agreement for wenzhou lng project was signed between cnooc gp and wenzhou municipal government
4月18日,中海石油天然气及发电公司与温州市人民政府签署《关于合作开展温州lng项目工作的原则协议》 。
10.Cnooc s ceo fu chengyu told the forum that china s annual gas consumption is expected to reach up to 250 billion cubic metres by 2020
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