In this paper , some new concepts are introduced for functional monotonicity and co - coerciveness of set - valued mappings , and variously possible implication relationships are studied among known and new concepts 摘要本文介绍几个新的集值映射的函数单调性和馀强制性概念,并讨论它们与已有概念间各种可能的蕴含关系。
Abstract : in this paper , some new concepts are introduced for functional monotonicity and co - coerciveness of set - valued mappings , and variously possible implication relationships are studied among known and new concepts 文摘:本文介绍几个新的集值映射的函数单调性和余强制性概念,并讨论它们与已有概念间各种可能的蕴含关系
First , the author , after discussing the foundation of theory of giving evidence by witness , thinks that giving evidence by witness in not only the legal obligation , but the realization of his own will ; not only the external coerciveness of the law , but the internal needs of safeguarding common interests of the society and an insurance for the interests of the witness in litigation field . moreover , it fully conforms to the principle of litigation economy ; for it not only reduces the investment of the party and state in litigation , but enhance the efficiency of action 首先对证人作证的理论基础进行了探讨,认为证人出庭作证,既是其履行法定义务,又是其自身意志的实现;证人出庭作证,不是法律的外在强制,而是维护社会共同利益的内在需要,是证人对自身利益在诉讼领域的“投保” ;证人出庭作证,可以减少当事人和国家对诉讼的投入,从而提高诉讼效率,完全符合诉讼经济原则。