Margins for the comex miny copper futures contract will increase to $ 2 , 375 from $ 2 , 125 for clearing and non ? clearing members and to $ 3 , 207 from $ 2 , 869 for customers 对结算成员及非结算成员, comex迷你手金属铜期货合约保证金从原来的2 . 125增至2 . 375美元,对顾客的价格则从2 . 869美元增至3 . 207美元。
If the silver users association for example could gather several million ounces and place it in the comex , there would be headline news across all the financial media about silver being a poor investment 假设比如白银使用者协会能够聚集几百万盎司的白银并放在comex ,关于白银是一个糟糕的投资工具的新闻会出所有金融媒体的头条上。