And he told the story while nana lingered complaisantly 于是,他把这个故事转述了一遍。
He continued speaking complaisantly 他还得意洋洋地继续说道:
The prince complaisantly poised his glass , waited quietly , bowed thrice and murmured 他等待着,行了三次礼,喃喃说道:
Asked the count complaisantly , for he was charmed to see her so kind to him 伯爵殷勤地问道,他见她那副和蔼的样子,高兴极了。
Indeed , none remained save tatan , lea and maria , whom labordette complaisantly took under his charge 现在只剩下塔唐莱娅和玛丽亚,拉博德特自告奋勇送她们回家。
The prince , however , was listening complaisantly to the marquis de chouard , who had taken up a hare s - foot on the dressing table and had begun explaining the way grease paint is put on 这时,王子正在津津有味地听德舒阿尔侯爵讲话,他从梳妆台上拿起一只小粉扑,解释怎样上白底粉。
Mignon smiled complaisantly , his eyes moist with paternal tenderness . " and at the play itself , " he continued , " they were so funny ! they behaved as seriously as grown men , devoured rose with their eyes and asked me why mamma had her legs bare like that . “观看演出的时候, ”米尼翁接着妻子的话题说道, “他们那副逗人的神态,严肃得像大人一样,眼睛盯着罗丝不放,还问我妈妈为什么要像这样光着大腿。 ”
The husband and steiner , sitting side by side , were laughing complaisantly , and the whole house broke out in a roar when prulliere , that great favorite , appeared as a general , a masquerade mars , decked with an enormous plume and dragging along a sword , the hilt of which reached to his shoulder 她的丈夫和斯泰内肩并肩地坐在一起,得意地笑着。当深受观众喜爱的演员普律利埃尔扮演将军一登场,全场观众大笑起来,他演的玛尔斯是田舍花园里的战神,头上插着一撮羽毛,腰间挂着一把军刀,军刀高得与肩平。