We are appreciate of your comradely advice 我们对您同志式的忠告深表感谢
The main blot on this worthy record is president thabo mbeki ' s continuing failure , born of a misguided sense of racial and comradely solidarity , to use his authority to help remove the despotic robert mugabe from power in neighbouring zimbabwe 但是在这一系列值得肯定的记录中却存在一个大的瑕疵,那就是当依靠自身威信试图把邻国津巴布韦暴君罗伯特?穆加贝赶下台时,姆贝基总统却遭到了接二连三的失败。
In order to keep up with the rapid development of this cause , one of the party ' s important tasks is to train and promote large numbers of new cadres and help them familiarize themselves with their work and build a comradely relationship with the older cadres , a relationship of unity and solidarity and of learning from one another 为了适应党和人民的事业的突飞猛进的发展,党的重要任务之一,就是要大量地培养和提拔新的干部,帮助他们熟悉工作,帮助他们同老干部建立团结一致、互相学习的同志关系。