Chesterton set the whole world laughing with a series of alleged non - partisan essays on the subject , and the whole affair , controversy and controversialists , was well - nigh swept into the pit by a thundering broadside from george bernard shaw 而萧伯纳则发出了一阵排炮,几乎把这整个事件全部争论和全部参加争论的人都何了个落花流水。
Angel , in fact , rightly or wrongly to adopt the safe phrase of evasive controversialists , preferred sermons in stones to sermons in churches and chapels on fine summer days . this morning , moreover , he had gone out to see if the damage to the hay by the flood was considerable or not 实际上,对也好错也罢借用巧舌如簧的辩论家的话,在夏季天气晴朗的日子里,安琪尔与其说在大小教堂里听人讲道,不如说是在大自然里接受教训。而且这天早晨,他还出门去了解过洪水冲走干草是不是带来了巨大的损失。