Bless me , father , dollard the croppy cried . bless me and let me go “祝福我,爸爸, ”推平头的小伙子多拉德大声嚷道, “祝福我,让我去吧。 ”
Scaring eavesdropping boots croppy bootsboy bloom in the ormond hallway heard growls and roars of bravo , fat back - slapping , their boots all treading , boots not the boots the boy 他在奥蒙德的门厅里听见叫嚷和喝采的声音和用胖嘟嘟的手拍着脊背的响声以及用靴子跺地板的声音是靴子,而不是擦鞋侍役。
Wait till you hear him , simon , on ben dollard s singing of the croppy boy . - immense , martin cunningham said pompously . his singing of that simple ballad , martin , is the most trenchant rendering i ever heard in the whole course of my experience “了不起, ”马丁坎宁翰用夸张的口气说, “马丁啊,他把那支纯朴的民歌唱绝了,是我这辈子所听到的气势最为磅礴的演唱。 ”