One would have thought her not only a monarchist, but a believer in absolutism of the old czarist type . 这使人不禁感到她不仅是一个君主制度的拥护者,而且还是一个旧式的沙皇专制主义的信徒。
A comparison between czarist russian government ' s anti - jewish policy and soviet government ' s jew policy 沙俄政府的反犹政策与苏联政府对犹政策之比较
Compared to prussian junkers or the landed nobility in czarist russia , the chinese landlord was a very backward man 同普鲁士的容克地主和沙皇俄国的贵族地主比起来,中国地主是非常落后的。
But in the later , the limo policy finally given the czarist government the opportunity to be aggressed , ended in the evil consequence of losing the territory 但在清朝后期,对边疆少数民族的羁縻政策最终给沙皇俄国的侵略以可乘之机,换来了丧失疆土的恶果。