Information technology - data compression for information interchange - adaptive coding with embedded dictionary - dclz algorithm 信息技术信息交换用数据压缩具有嵌人字典的自适应编码dclz算法
Information technology - data compression for information interchange - adaptive coding with embedded dictionary - dclz algorithm 信息技术.信息互换的数据压缩.嵌入式词典的适用编码. dclz算法
Information technology - data compression for information interchange - adaptive coding with embedded dictionary - dclz algorithm 信息技术.信息交换用数据压缩.带内置字典的自适式代码. dclz算法
Dclz information technology - data compression algorithm - adaptive coding with embedded dictionary dclz algorithm for information interchange 信息技术.数据压缩算法.信息互换用附带有词典的自适应编码