Statue of thomas edison in dearborn , michigan 美国密西根州德保的爱迪生雕塑。
Without much thinking , she reached dearborn street 没有怎么考虑,她就信步到了第邦街。
Howard dearborn , an 88 - year - old inventor , is worried about the pond beside his house 一位88岁高龄的发明家霍华德迪尔伯恩正为他房子外面的水池感到忧虑。
1863 henry ford , american motorcar engineer and magnat was born at dearborn in michigan , the son of a farmer 美国汽车工程师和汽车大王亨利?福特生于密执安州迪尔本一个农民家庭。
Before going , they made off for the windsor dining - room , which was in dearborn street , a considerable distance from carrie s room 去看戏之前,他们先去温莎餐厅。那家餐馆在第邦街,离嘉莉的住处有一大段路。
Block after block passed by . upon streetlamps at the various corners she read names such as madison , monroe , la salle , clark , dearborn , state , and still she went , her feet beginning to tire upon the broad stone flagging . she was pleased in part that the streets were bright and clean 每走到一个十字路口,她就在街灯路牌上看看街名:麦迪生大街,门罗大街,拉沙勒大街,克拉克大街,地邦大街,斯台特大街但是她继续往前走,她的脚走在宽阔的石板路上开始酸了。