1 . disable or uninstall any antivirus , disk defragmentation , or backup programs 禁用或卸载所有的反病毒软件、磁盘碎片整理程序或备份程序。
2 . disable or uninstall any antivirus , disk defragmentation , or backup programs 2 .禁用或卸载所有反病毒软件、磁盘碎片整理程序或备份程序。
1 . disable any anti - virus or backup programs , and disable any defragmentation utilities 1 .禁用所有反病毒或备份程序,并禁用所有磁盘碎片整理实用程序。
This sample demonstrates techniques for implementing database defragmentation capabilities in database applications 此示例说明了在数据库应用程序中实现数据库碎片整理功能的方法。
The first step in deciding which defragmentation method to use is to analyze the index to determine the degree of fragmentation 决定使用哪种碎片整理方法的第一步是分析索引以确定碎片程度。
The following actions to the table are considered changes : insert , update , delete , index rebuild or defragmentation , and database restore or attach 对表的以下操作可视为更改:插入、更新、删除、索引重建或碎片整理以及数据库还原或附加。
You can use the disk defragmentation utility to defragment disk volumes formatted as fat , fat32 , and ntfs , increasing server reliability and performance 可以使用磁盘碎片整理实用程序整理fat 、 fat32和ntfs格式的磁盘卷上的碎片,以便增强服务器的可靠性和性能。