Discuss on difference of climate change events recorded in two high - resolution loess sections in last deglaciation 两高分辨率黄土剖面末次冰消期气候事件的差异探讨
I argue that the level of dangerous anthropogenic influence is likely to be set by the global temperature and planetary radiation imbalance at which substantial deglaciation becomes practically impossible to avoid 我认为,危险人为干扰的全球暖化认定标准,最好根据全球温度及地球辐射的不平衡来设定,底限是不要让冰川消退量达到失控的程度。
The peak rate of deglaciation following the last ice age was a sustained rate of melting of more than 14 , 000 cubic kilometers a year ? about one meter of sea - level rise every 20 years , which was maintained for several centuries 从上个冰期以来,冰川消退的高峰值为每年持续融化1万4000立方公里,约相当于海平面每20年上升一公尺,而且维持了几个世纪。