The progression of nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drugs in dermatologic therapy 非甾体类抗炎药抗肿瘤作用的分子机制
Dermatologic topical therapy 皮肤病外用治疗
She was referred because there had been no relief with dermatologic treatment , including hospitalization 她因为在皮肤科住院治疗未见转好,而被介绍过来。
Thus , there is a need for safe and effective systemic therapies to combat this dermatologic condition 因此,我们需要一种安全和有效的系统性治疗方法来对付这种皮肤疾病。
This section of the text aims to discuss both the art and science of colored cosmetics to provide a fund of knowledge useful to the physician in tackling problems related to appearance and dermatologic disease 本小节目的在于讨论彩色化妆品的艺术和科学、提供一知识基础,以助于皮肤科医生解决皮肤外观和皮肤病相关联的、棘手的问题。
October 16 , 2007 ( chicago ) ? treatment of basal cell carcinoma ( bcc ) with the pulsed dye laser may be an effective alternative to mohs micrographic surgery if the diameter of the lesion is less than 1 . 5 cm , according to a study presented at the american society for dermatologic surgery ( asds ) 34th annual meeting 2007年10月17日? ?根据美国皮肤外科学会第34届年会公布的一个研究结果,当损伤范围直径小于1 . 5厘米的时候,利用脉冲机关治疗基底细胞癌的方法对于传统的显微外科是一个有效的替代选择。