vi. 1.(道路等)分为两叉。 2.【动、植】(树枝、翅膀、羽毛等)分叉。 adj. 【生物学】(树枝、翅;羽等)分歧的,分叉宽阔的,展开的, -cation n. 分叉,分歧;交叉点,意义暧昧;意见分歧。
Example Sentences:
We analyze the divaricate consumption such as educational train , medical service and merchandise house ' s purchase 本文对有争议的消费行为如教育培训、医疗服务、商品房消费作了分析。
However , many researchers both at home and abroad have given hundreds of criteria of psychological well - being . after careful studying , we can find that some divaricates and deficits exist in the flourishing status of the researching on the criterion of psychological well - being . on one hand , more new criteria and theories of psychological well - being are flooding , and on the other hand , more puzzled many carry - outers feel at these conceptual , abstract and philosophical ideas , and naturally they can not put these criteria and theories into practice 通过对众多心理健康标准的考察后不难发现,在心理健康标准研究的一片繁荣景象中,却存在着多种分歧及不足:一方面,心理健康标准及理论成果层出不穷,另一方面,实践工作者面对这些含糊、空洞、抽象和繁琐的心理健康标准却感到难以把握,更不必说用它们指导心理健康宣传、进行心理健康教育与开展心理健康评估等实际工作了。