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English translation for "drillmaster"

Example Sentences:
1.3rd , when changnei combat must obey drillmaster ' s direction
2.In order to learn flight , he developed a friendship with the drillmaster
3.1st , entering a war game must obey and coordinate drillmaster ' s organization management
4.The drillmaster at the athlete of causal analysis in train and game at track - and - field
5.At last the drillmaster told them the answer : " to find it from one side to the other side of the grass !
教练最后宣布答案是: “按部就班地从草地一头找到另一头! ”
6.The drillmaster of the tennis ball said to his students : " if a tennis ball fell into grass , how will do ?
网球教练对学生说: “如果有一个网球掉进草丛里,应该如何找? ”
7.The equips and the drillmaster ' s specialty were reliable , the rationality confirmed us to past the guard rail comfortablely
8.Simon chen is a professional enterprise drillmaster and enterprise development consultant and hr consultant in several enterprise management consultant company
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