Marx ' s theory on socialized production and the dualist development of social division of labour 马克思的生产社会化理论与分工的二元发展
Dualist characteristic of the diplomacy of contemporary japan and its resource of nationalism 论当代日本外交的双重性特征及其民族主义根源
The new characteristics of the dualist economical structure in shanxi rural and urban areas since china ' s reform 新时期山西城乡二元经济结构的新特征及其转变
His monotheistic solution resolves the old strict dualism . the dualist principle , however , reappears in an acute form in a later period , after zoroaster 他的一神论解决方案解答了古老的严格二元论。然而,二元论的法则在琐罗亚斯德之后的随后时期以一种敏锐的方式出现。
Representatives of zoroastrianism , the ancient persian dualist religion , and of nestorianism , an eastern christian sect , also reached china and established themselves there 最有代表性的是琐罗亚斯德教(也叫拜火教或明教) ,是古代波斯二元论的宗教,景教(东方基督教的一支)也传入中国,并且确立起来。
The features of the above - mentioned contacts are : the civilization in the ancient times in the middle east as a result of creation of different ethnic groups ; the importance of trade and conflict between nomadic and farming nations ; the ever - increasing sphere of the civilization zone ; close relations between the middle east and both the east and the west ; the development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism 中东文明交往的特征为:中东上古文明是各民族共同创造的文明;独特的地理位置、环境和气候决定了本地区贸易的重要地位以及游牧与农耕民族的频繁冲突;形成了交往范围不断扩大的文明圈;独特的地理位置使中东与东西方同时保持着密切联系;上古宗教经历了从原始拜物教、多神教经二元神教的过渡向一神教的发展历程。