Eric hosking award ; gerald durrell award 贺士敬奖;杜雷尔奖
Eric hosking award ; gerald durrell award 贺士敬奖;杜雷尔奖
Image courtesy of the british council nancy durrell mckenna 图片提供:英国文化委员会,版权所有:南希
Instead of a musician , she credits " the alexandria quartet , " a series of four novels by british author lawrence durrell , as the main influence behind the record 她没有称赞那位乐师,而认为是亚历山大四重奏? ?英国作家劳伦斯?德雷尔所作的4篇系列小说为本专辑的灵感来源。
Founded on this english channel island in 1959 by zoologist gerald durrell , the jersey trust zoo ( now called durrell wildlife ) protects and breeds more than 100 endangered species , including birds , mammals , reptiles , and amphibians 泽西信托动物园(现改名为杜瑞尔野生动物园)位于英吉利海峡的岛上,在1959年由动物学家杰洛德杜瑞尔建立,这里保护饲养着包括鸟类,哺乳类,爬行类和两栖类等在内的100多种濒危动物。