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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

判刑年 year
判别 differentiate
判别两事物 discriminate between two thi...
判别好坏 discriminate good from bad j...
判别式 discriminant
判别真假 distinguish the true from th...
判卷子 mark examination papers sent...
判处 sentence
判处无期徒刑 be sentenced to imprisonment...
判官 an assistant to the chief lo...
判定 judge
判敌 treachery
判断 judge
判断力 judgment
判断力强的人 a man of good judgement
判断市场机会 assess market opportunities
判断往往因利害关系而有偏差 The judgement is often biase...
判断情况 assess the situation
判断是非 judge between right and wron...
判断能力 judgement
判断论 theory of judgement
判断词 a grammatical term for the c...
判断过程 deterministic process
判断错误 an error of judgement
判断问题 decision problem
判明 distinguish
判明是非 distinguish between right an...
判明真相 ascertain the facts
判明责任 establish responsibility
判有期徒刑 3年 be sentenced to three yea...
判案 decide a case
判然 obviously
判罚 penalize
判罚击球 penalty stroke
判罪 declare guilty
判若两人 One's behavior is different,...
判若云泥 be as far removed as heaven ...
判若天渊 It is as far apart as the sk...
判若水火 completely different
判若鸿沟 as if separated by a wide di...
判若黑白 The difference is as between...
判词 court verdict
判逃 defect
刨光 wrot
刨冰 water ice
刨冰冷饮 snowball
刨刀 planer tool
刨刀垫块 bed
刨刀座 adz block
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