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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

参谋长 chief of staff
参谋长联席会议 Joint Chiefs of Staff
参谒 pay one's respects to sb. pa...
参谒烈士陵园 pay homage at the mausoleum ...
参赛 take part in match
参赛单位 contestant
参赞 counsellor
参赞处 counsellor's office
参透 penetrate mysteries
参酌 consider in the light of act...
参量 parameter
参阅 see
参阅书刊 consult books and periodical...
参验 investigate and check
叆叇 thick
叇见 "瑷魂"
又一回合外交谈判 another round of diplomatic ...
又一艘宇宙飞船上天了 Another spaceship has gone u...
又作别论 another thing
又便宜又好 cheap but good
又及 postscript
又名 alternate name
又吐又拉 suffer from vomiting and dia...
又哭又笑 cry and laugh at the same ti...
又哭又闹 make a tearful scene
又喜又惧 feel both joy and fear
又圆又滑的小石子 smooth,round pebbles
又奸又滑 mean and crafty
又好气又好笑 be annoying and amusing at t...
又妒又恨 be jealous of and hate
又小又轻 be small and light
又干又瘦 be thin and pale
又弱一个 another one has passed away
又怕又恨 with both fear and hate
又悲又喜 tragicomic
又惊又喜 be surprised but glad
又懒又馋 be both lazy and greedy
又拉又打 strike and stroke
又挨过了一天 Another day dragged by. dela...
又提到这一点 refer to this point again
又有一条新航线开航了 Another new air route has be...
又气又愧 feel angry and ashamed
又添了一个小孩 had another baby
又瘦又乏 be lean and weakly
又瘦又小 be short and slight
又硬又臭 be both disgusting and stubb...
又红又专 both red and expert
又红又肿 be red and swollen
又羞又恼 be overwhelmed with shame an...
又羞又闷 be both ashamed and melancho...
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