| 1. | He had acted automatically, efficiently . 他不假思索,而干练地干了起来。 |
| 2. | Roger spat efficiently into the hot dust . 罗杰不住地往灼热的灰烬中呸呸吐着唾沫。 |
| 3. | This liquid conducts heat energy very efficiently . 这种液体能十分有效地传导热能。 |
| 4. | It is used less efficiently . 它的使用效率较低。 |
| 5. | He dealt with that man proterfield very efficiently . 他与波特菲尔德这家伙周旋很是干练。 |
| 6. | Job satisfaction is essential if we are to work efficiently . 要使工作卓有成效,必须保证工作时得心应手。 |
| 7. | Yet on the 200-acre festival site the show is being put together efficiently . 然而,在这二百英亩的节日场地上,演出正井井有条地组织起来。 |
| 8. | The zone of aeration may be treated more efficiently as a single moisture continuum . 包气带可以更有效地作为一个单一的水分连续介质来看待。 |
| 9. | Cynthia located the scotch, then ice and soda, and mixed two drinks efficiently . 辛西娅找到了威士忌,还有冰和苏打水,三下两下就调好了两杯酒。 |
| 10. | Both methods result in tridiagonal systems of linear equations that can be solved efficiently . 两种方法都形成了有效求解的三对角线的线性方程组。 |