In this way we can easily monitor large electricity current and magiletic field accurately because of the complexity of coupling in modes propagating in optical wave - guide , the loss of light intensity is out of eliminable 论文讨论了光纤的双折射和光纤波导中的模式耦合的复杂性,再加上外界环境的影响,导致光纤中模式之间发生耦合,从而导致传输的光损耗增大。
Although limiting information collection could increase the risk that researchers will overlook facts relevant to a study , frazier and mosteller contend that such risk , nerver entirely eliminable ( 15 ) from research , would still be small in most studies 尽管有限的信息收集可能使得这种风险增加- -即调查者忽略和调查有关的一些事实,但是f和m认为这种从来就不能完全消除得风险在大多数的调查中仍然很小。