Epinasty ( epinastic movements ) a nastic movement that involves the curving of a plant organ away from the axis ( i . e . downward ) as a result of greater growth on the upper surface , as in the opening of flowers 偏上性生长(偏上性运动) :植物开花时由于上表面生长较快而引起植物器官弯曲并偏离轴向的向性运动(如向下) 。
While the fruits ripening process was delayed in leetrl antisense fruits . epinastic of leaves in leetrl antisense plants was only occasionally observed , which was not observed in leetr2 antisense plants ; ( 5 ) when treated by exogenous ethylene ( 25ul / l ) , the abscission of antisense leetr2 petiole explants was delayed . moreover , leaf epinasty failed to be induced by ethylene treatment c , which suggested that these tissues were insensitive to ethylene ( 5 )植株衰老和叶片脱落延迟,花瓣脱落也明显的延迟,在转反义leetr1基因番茄的果实成熟特性被明显改变,表现在乙烯释放高峰延迟,果实颜色出现变异,以及和成熟相关的酶活性的改变,然而,转反义leetr2基因的果实的成熟特性与对照相比无明显差别。