| 1. | Jesus was born into a vegetarian family , a vegetarian tradition , the essene tradition 耶稣出生于素食家庭-有素食传统的修行家庭。 |
| 2. | The history of the essene brotherhood can be traced by looking at the development of the jewish religion 通过看犹太人的宗教发展能够追踪艾赛尼派教派手足情谊的历史。 |
| 3. | Also , as mentioned above , jesus reveals that he is a master of light and sound meditation in the essene texts 同样,如上所述,在苦修教派的经典中,耶稣谈到他传授的是光与音的静坐法门。 |
| 4. | The essene , jewish , melchizedek , and christian lineages are , in truth , one lineage which sets the stage for spiritual teachings for humankind 艾赛尼派教派,犹太人的,麦基冼德和基督教事实上是一脉相承的为人类的精神上的教导设定的世袭阶段。 |
| 5. | As he relates in the essene jesus , " there was the essene brotherhood at the dead sea which planted the essene tree of life , whose highest branch was represented by the essene jesus . 柴可利博士在亚森耶稣一文中说:亚森团体曾居住在死海地区,种有亚森生命之树,而该树最高的枝干以亚森耶稣为代表。 |
| 6. | You should study the life of jesus in another separate book , not the bible . here master even appears to make reference to the essene gospels another separate book , not the bible 你们应该从别的书籍中研究耶稣的生平,而不是圣经。师父所谓的别的书籍,不是圣经,很明显地就是指古犹太苦修教派的福音书。 |
| 7. | Dr . szekely translated a revealing document called the " essene gospel of peace " in which the following appears : " in the beginning was the sound , and the sound was with god , and the sound was god . 他翻译了一份已被披露的文件亚森和平福音,里面提到:太初有音流,此音流与上帝同在,此音流就是上帝。 |
| 8. | These excerpts from the essene scriptures support master ching hais assertions about jesus essene origins and vegetarian heritage : jesus was vegetarian since he was born , and even when he was in the womb 这些苦修教派的经典印证了清海师父对耶稣的修行渊源及素食传承的看法:耶稣天生茹素,甚至当他还在母亲的肚子里就已经吃素了。 |
| 9. | Almost two decades of meticulous research convinced dr . szekely that jesus was a member of the highly respected essene spiritual community and therefore would have had intimate knowledge of their spiritual tradition 经过大约二十年钜细靡遗的研究,柴可利博士确信,耶稣基督是当时极受人尊敬的古犹太亚森修行团体的一员,所以也一定承袭了该团体密传的灵修传统。 |
| 10. | For instance , in the essene gospel of peace : book four teaching of the elect , jesus makes mention of the inner sound stream as follows : for i tell you truly , there is a holy stream of life which gave birth to the earthly mother and all her angels 例如,在古犹太苦修教派的和平福音:第四集-上帝选民的教理一书中,耶稣这样提到内在音流:让我据实以告,那里有一条神圣的生命源流,会赐给大地之母及她所有的守护神生命。 |