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English translation for "exceptio"

除外, 例外, 抗辩

Related Translations:
temporary exceptio:  时效抗辩, 法定时效届满的抗辩
exceptio iurisiurandi:  宣誓抗辩
exceptio labeoniana:  拉贝奥抗辩
exceptio metus:  胁迫之抗辩
exceptio liberatoria:  免责抗辩
exceptio dilatoria:  限期抗辩
exceptio rei iudicatae:  既判物之抗辩,即判力
exceptio pacti conventi:  因达成协议的抗辩原告已有同意不起诉协议的抗辩
exceptio in factum:  基于事实的抗辩
exceptio juris jurandi:  对事实已作为宣誓证明的抗辩
Example Sentences:
1.There are , of course , exceptio
2." but exceptio will stand if they get the permi ion from the sgas in advance , " he added
“对于一些确实有必要出席的社会活动,需报经国家体育总局批准方可参加。 ”
3.No clear - cut distinction can be drawn between profe ional and amateurs in science : exceptio can be found to any rule
4.For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptio ? nal , the proper formulation is , “ succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious
对于这样的人,以及更多也许不太出色的人而言,恰当的行为准则是: “不惜一切代价获得成功,但要避免让人看出雄心勃勃。 ”
5.All the debtors remain jointly bound to the creditor until the obligation has been performed completely . in the same time , joint debtors have exceptio rights to protect their benefits
Similar Words:
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