This is no doubt the first step out of confusion and fatuity . 这无疑是摆脱混乱与愚昧的第一步。
King chu ' s fatuity , sycophantic courtiers ' evil , your kingdom ' s crisis , peo - ple ' s hard livelihood , all stab your sore spot 楚王的昏庸,佞臣的险虐,家邦的危机,民生的多艰,戮刺着您心头的痛处。
He had about him all the entertaining fatuity of a young leading gentleman whose love affairs prosper , and he rolled around the most swaggering glances , which excited shrill feminine laughter in the boxes 他是一个走鸿运的演青年角色的演员,露出一副自鸣得意神态,转动着眼睛,像是一个好汉,逗得包厢里的妇女们发出尖锐的笑声。