| 1. | Kutuzov was looking through a field - glass along the high - road before him 库图佐夫用望远镜了望着前面的大路。 |
| 2. | He could make out why three men in the basket under the balloon and one of them was holding field - glasses 他看清楚汽球下面的篮子里有三个人,其中一个正拿着双筒望远镜。 |
| 3. | Several french officers superintended the placing of the cannon some distance apart , and looked at the kremlin through a field - glass 几名法国军官指挥着炮位的安置,并用望远镜观看克里姆林宫。 |
| 4. | Meanwhile the officer of the suite , who was standing in front , pointed something out to the general ; the general looked through the field - glass 其时,站在前头的侍从军官正把什么指给将军看,将军便拿着景物望远镜观望。 |
| 5. | At a mute sign from him , they handed him the field - glass . he propped it on the back of a page who ran up delighted 他默默地一挥手,有人递上一副望远镜,他把望远镜放在一个欢欢喜喜跑过来的少年侍从的背上,开始察看河对岸。 |
| 6. | Napoleon , standing on the redoubt , was looking through a field - glass , and in the tiny circle of the glass saw smoke and men , sometimes his own , sometimes russians 拿破仑站在土岗上用望远镜观望,在小小的圆筒里他看见了烟雾和人。 |
| 7. | Between the cannons on the height stood the general in command of the rear - guard and an officer of the suite scanning the country through a field - glass 在这座高地的几尊大炮之间,一个率领后卫部队的将军随同一名侍从军官在前面站着,并用望远镜观察地形。 |
| 8. | " i see , " said this individual , who wore sporting clothes of the most attractive pattern , and had a field - glass strung over his shoulder , " that you did not get over to our little entertainment last evening . “我知道, ”那个身上穿着件图案极其漂亮的运动衫,肩上挎着个望远镜的人说道, “昨晚你没有来看我们的小演出。 ” |
| 9. | Yes , so it is , so it is , said the general angrily , taking the field - glass away from his eye and shrugging his shoulders ; they are going to fire at them at the crossing of the river . and why do they linger so “真是这样,真是这样, ”将军愤怒地说道,放下望远镜,耸一耸肩, “真是这样的,敌人要打渡头了,他们干嘛在那儿耽误时间呢? ” |
| 10. | Early on the morning of the 12th of june he came out of his tent , which had been pitched that day on the steep left bank of the niemen , and looked through a field - glass at his troops pouring out of the vilkovik forest , and dividing into three streams at the three bridges across the river 十二日一大早,他走出那天搭在涅曼河左岸陡崖上的帐篷,用望远镜眺望从维尔科维森林涌出的由自己的军队组成的洪流,注入到架设在涅曼河上的三座浮桥上。 |