Sondra finchley tried to make something of him in order to spite me principally, and so getting herself smirched . 桑德拉芬琪雷,想帮他弄出点名堂来,主要是为了对付我却弄得自己也身败名裂。
Margaret's first speech, in a hectic and gruelling three-week campaign, took place in her own constituency of finchley and friern barnet . 第一次演讲,玛格丽特是在自己的选区芬奇莱和弗里恩巴奈特发表的,三个星期的活动十分紧张和辛苦。
1845 thomas hood , english poet and humorist , died at finchley road in london after a long illness 英国诗人与幽默作家托马斯?胡德久病后逝世于伦敦芬奇利路。
Sondra finchley tried to make something of him in order to spite me principally , and so getting herself smirched 桑德拉?芬琪雷,想帮他弄出点名堂来,主要是为了对付我却弄得自己也身败名裂。