| 1. | A case in point would be , carly fiorina , ceo of hp 惠普公司原ceo卡莉-菲奥莉娜就是一个很好的例子。 |
| 2. | How many said so before ms fiorina was fired as chief executive 但在费奥瑞纳被解除首席执行官前,有多少人说过这样的话? |
| 3. | Walking was what several senior hp managers did during ms fiorina ' s reign 几名惠普的高级经理就在费奥瑞纳任职期间一走了之。 |
| 4. | Carly fiorina is chairman and chief executive officer of hewlett - packard company 卡莉?菲奥里纳是惠普公司的主席兼首席执行官。 |
| 5. | Throughout the book , fiorina offers her business wisdom and personal advice in a palatable style 菲奥莉娜在书内从头到尾都以一种令读者易于接受的风格,提出自己的从商智慧与个人忠告。 |
| 6. | Carly fiorina had led h - p to take over compaq computer . the move was opposed by some directors and the families of the two men who started hewlett - packard 卡莉.菲奥莉娜已经让惠普接管了康柏电脑公司。那次变动遭到了一些董事以及两位公司创始人的反对。 |
| 7. | Carly fiorina had led h - p to take over compaq computer . the move was opposed by some directors and the families of the two men who started hewlett - packard 卡莉?菲奥莉娜曾带领惠普接管了康柏公司。这一变动受到一些董事会成员及惠普公司两大创始人家族的反对。 |
| 8. | She is the obvious successor in the public eye to carly fiorina , who was forced out as boss of hewlett - packard , a californian technology company , in 2005 在公众眼中,她就是卡莉费奥瑞娜的后来人, 2005年卡莉被迫离开惠普公司(一家总部位于加州的科技公司)老板的位子。 |
| 9. | Studies show most women with high net worth from carly fiorina to meg whitman to andrea jung , have worked for their fortune rather than inherited it 研究显示,包括从卡莉?菲奥莉娜到梅格?惠特曼及钟彬娴在内的大多数女性,她们的财富并不是继承来的,而是通过自己的艰苦奋斗得来的。 |
| 10. | Fiorina holds a bachelor ' s degree in medieval history and philosophy from stanford university ; a master ' s degree in business administration from the university of maryland at college park , md . ; and a master of science degree from mtt ' s sloan school 菲奥里纳曾获斯坦福大学的中世纪历史和哲学学士学位,马里兰大学的商业管理硕士学位,以及麻省理工大学斯龙学院的理科硕士学位。 |