Fonteyn represents the best traditions of ballet . 芳廷代表了芭蕾舞的最优秀的传统。
Fonteyn represents the best traditions of ballet 芳廷承袭了芭蕾舞艺术的最优秀的传统
Nothing offstage was quite real to him : “ we only lived when we danced , ” he said of himself and fonteyn 对他来说,舞台之外的东西没有什么是真实的。
And continues to work in cabaret with her solo act a tribute to margot fonteyn currently she is collaborating with john nicholson of peepolykus in creating a solo show in which she will perform 最近,她和peepolykus和rhinocerus一起进行巡演,并继续在她自己的单人剧atributetomargotfonteyn中进行歌舞表演。近期,她与peepolykus的john nicholson合作创作一个由她自己表演的单人剧。