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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

善于交际 be a good mixer
善于克服困难 skate over the difficulties
善于分析问题和解决问题 be good at analysing and sol...
善于向下作调查 be good at in vestigating co...
善于回嘴 be quick at retort
善于应变 good at meeting an emergency
善于应对 good at repartee
善于模仿而拙于创作 be quick to imitate but powe...
善于用人 know how to choose the right...
善于用兵 well versed in the art of wa...
善于识别干部 know how to judge cadres
善于识别罪犯 be adept at spotting crimina...
善于谈判 be skilled in negotiation
善于辞令 gifted with a silver tongue
善于运筹 be efficient at planning and...
善于驯虎 be good at taming tigers
善人 philanthropist
善友 Shan You
善变 be apt to change
善后 cope with the aftermath of a...
善后事宜 matters concerning reconstru...
善善从长 capable of learning from oth...
善善恶恶 love the good and shun evil
善处 deal discreetly with
善处难局 good at handling knotty prob...
善始善终 begin well and end well
善小利微 small benefit with tiny prof...
善心 mercy
善忘 be forgetful
善恶 good and evil
善恶分明 distinguish good from bad
善恶到头终有报 Good and evil will always be...
善意 goodwill
善意买方 buyer in good faith
善意原告 bona fide claimant
善意地接受它 take it in good will
善意的批评 well-meaning criticism
善战善胜 be good at fighting and winn...
善报 reward for good deeds
善有善报 receive rewards for one's vi...
善本 reliable text
善本书 rare book
善气迎人 meet sb. with a smiling face
善游者溺 A good swimmer often gets dr...
善男信女 devotees to Buddha
善破善立 be good at destroying the ol...
善策 a wise policy
善类 good and honest people
善终 die a natural death
善罢甘休 leave the matter at that
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