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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

喜出望外 be overjoyed
喜出非分 be overjoyed
喜剧 comedy
喜剧作家 comic writer
喜剧演员 comedian
喜剧片 comic film
喜剧舞台 sock
喜占勿药 No more medicine is required...
喜听乐闻 listen to... with unction
喜在心头 feel jubilant
喜好 like
喜宁 Xi Ning
喜对 wedding coupletⅤ pair
喜封 a tip given to sb. on a happ...
喜尽悲来 Feeling of sadness follows a...
喜帖 wedding invitation
喜幛 a large,oblong sheet of red ...
喜幸 happy and gay
喜庆 happy
喜庆丰收 celebrate the bumper harvest
喜庆的日子 day of jubilation
喜形于色 light up with pleasure
喜怒哀乐 joy,anger,grief and happines...
喜怒无常 be subject to changing moods
喜悦 happy
喜报 report of success,a happy ev...
喜新厌旧 be fond of the new and tired...
喜欢 like
喜欢中国的烹调 partial to Chinese cuisine
喜欢出头露面 fond of being in the limelig...
喜欢出风头 like to be in the limelight
喜欢游泳 like swimming
喜欢说人闲话 be fond of gossip talk casua...
喜欢赌钱 fond of gamble
喜欢音乐 delight in music
喜气 happy expression or atmosphe...
喜气洋洋 be bursting with happiness
喜气洋溢 be overflowing with happines...
喜洋洋 beaming with joy
喜溢眉宇 eyes kindled with joy
喜溢眉梢 One's delight appears on the...
喜滋滋 feeling pleased
喜爱 like
喜爱古典音乐 be fond of classical music
喜爱户外活动 be keen on outdoor activitie...
喜盈于色 be radiant with joy
喜笑颜开 One's face lit up with happi...
喜筵 wedding feast
喜糕 bride cake
喜糖 happiness candies
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