Red romance under gele mountain - tracing the emotional world of the red crag heroic martyrs 烈士殉难55周年歌乐山下的红色恋情
This video represents you with some main scenic attractions in chongqing , including mt . gele , mt . jinyun , dazu rock carvings , little and big three gorges of yangtze river , and ghost city of fengdu 本片着重向您展示歌乐山、缙云山、大足石刻、长江大小三峡、丰都鬼城等重庆地区主要的风景名胜。
Located in lishuwan lndustry park , shapingba district , chongqing municipality , chongqing dongxi electro - mechanical technology co . , ltd is facing jailing river in the east , neighboring mt . gele in the west and the yuhuai railway and chengyu expressway are just passing the factiory 重庆东曦机电技术有限公司位于重庆市沙坪坝区梨树湾工业园内,东临滔滔嘉陵江水,西靠巍巍歌乐山麓;渝怀铁路、成渝高速傍厂而过。
As one of the most important enterprises of welded wire mesh fences and container in china , we provide our gele series products including wire mesh fences , storage trolley , storage racks shelves , pet cages , containers , carts , grids , stair tread , wire decks and other metal products “格乐”牌系列产品包括以隔离栅,折叠式周转箱金属托盘,平台格栅板,超市货架货品转运箱,宠物笼,安全窗网门等在内的六大系列一百多个品种。
This paper introduces the applicability and grouting effect of the single cement slurry , double grout ( cement slurry water glass slurry ) and the fine cement slurry under different condition with an example of gele mountain , and puts forward that for the curtain grouting of karst tunnel the priority is given to improved single cement slurry 摘要通过歌乐山隧道帷幕注浆工程实例,介绍单液水泥浆、双液浆(水泥水玻璃桨) 、超细水泥类浆液在不同注浆条件下的适用性和注浆效果,提出岩溶隧道帷幕注浆材料的选择应以改良的单液水泥浆为主要材料,其它材料作为补充。