An honest , diligent , pragmatic and efficient gove 廉政勤政务实高效政府
If the coating is of a great enough thickness , according to gove , it would make the fabric sample seem younger than it should be to the radiocarbon method 依照哈里所说: “如果覆盖物有足够的厚度,那么放射性碳测定法会得出比预期年代要晚的结果。 ”
6 . there must put into practice institutional innovation of gove & hce structure , set up and amplify mechanism both encouragement and constraints , promote the growth of enterpeneur ranks 第六,进行法人治理结构的制度创新,建立健全激励约束机制,促进企业家队伍的成长。
Gove , the nuclear physicist at the university of rochester who designed the carbon - dating technique used on the shroud , stated , there is a bioplastic coating on some threads , maybe most 罗切斯德大学原子物理学家哈里在设计裹尸布测定技术的时候说过: “有一些原生体覆盖在细丝上,也许更多。 ”
Altogether , the object of this dissertation is to improve the non - gove rnmental entrepreneurs " knowledge about the importance of property rights institution , and to provide reference and suggestion for them and governmental decision - makers to take on and promote institutional vicissitude 总之,本研究旨在从理论与实践两个方面提高民营科技企业家对于产权制度的重要性认识,为他们及政府决策者承担及推动制度变迁提供参考和建议。