Pembroke howard, lawyer and bechelor, aged about forty, was another old virginian grandee with proved descent from the first families . 镇上还有一位知名绅士潘布洛克霍华德是个当律师的独身汉,年纪大约四十上下,他也是年代久远的弗吉尼亚名门望族,确实是初到美洲的家族的后裔。
The highest - ranking members of the spanish aristocracy are the grandees 西班牙贵族中爵位最高的成员乃是大公。
The moon is aquarius or pisces makes the native to be disliked by princes , grandees and the upper ten 月亮落在水瓶或者双鱼,命主会被王公贵族所讨厌。
The well - known mansion of this grandee in the english embankment was illuminated by innumerable lights 在英吉利沿岸街上,遐迩闻名的大官的楼房被无数彩灯映照得灿烂辉煌。
The old grandees at the table sat looking from one to another , and their expression for the most part betrayed nothing but that they were very hot 皮埃尔认识的那几个年高的大官坐在那儿,时而看看这个,时而看看那个,他们脸上的表情很明显,只说明他们觉得很热。
In her speech , she repeated her idea ? which shocked grandees when she suggested it last year ? of putting young criminals under military supervision 在她的演讲当中,她反复重申了自己的理念? ?她去年提出时震惊法国王公贵族? ?即针对青少年犯罪,设立类似“新兵训练营”的军营式管教场所。
A report they commissioned from a panel of grandees recommends a drastic pruning , arguing that the bank should lend less and become mainly an adviser and co - ordinator for the region 银行委托一个专家组做的报告建议采取严厉的措施削减借贷业务,认为银行应该减少贷款转变为亚洲地区主要的建议者和协调者。
The governor of moscow , who had been constantly sending his adjutants to inquire after the counts condition , came himself that evening to say good - bye to the renowned grandee of catherines court , count bezuhov 莫斯科军区总司令不断派遣副官来打听伯爵的病情,这天晚上他亲自乘车前来和叶卡捷琳娜时代的大官别祖霍夫伯爵作临终告别。
They are supported by a further six states , two power companies , a ski resort , and assorted clergymen , indian tribes and agitated grandees such as madeleine albright , a former secretary of state 支持他们的还有其他的六个州,两个电力公司,一个滑雪度假村,各种教会的教士,印第安部落,以及有远虑的社会名流,比如前国务卿玛德琳?奥尔布莱特。
The van of the procession appears headed by john howard parnell , city marshal , in a chessboard tabard , the athlone poursuivant and ulster king of arms . they are followed by the right honourable joseph hutchinson , lord mayor of dublin , the lord mayor of cork , their worships the mayors of limerick , galway , sligo and watedord , twentyeight irish representative peers , sirdars , grandees and maharajahs bearing the cloth of estate , the dublin metropolitan fire brigade , the chapter of the saints of finance in their plutocratic order of precedence , the bishop of down and connor his eminence michael cardinal logue archbishop of armagh , primate of all ireland , his grace , the most reverend dr william alexander archbishop of armagh , primate of all ireland , the chief rabbi , the presbyterian moderator , the heads of the baptist , anabaptist , methodist and moravian chapels and the honorary secretary of the society of friends 跟在后面的是都柏林市市长阁下约瑟夫哈钦森208科克市市长阁下利默里克戈尔韦斯莱戈和沃特福德等市的市长阁下,二十八位爱尔兰贵族代表209 ,印度的达宫贵人们,西班牙的大公们,佩带着宝座饰布的印度大君,都柏林首都消防队,按照资财顺序排列的一群财界圣徒,唐郡兼康纳主教210全爱尔兰首席阿马大主教红衣主教迈克尔洛格阁下,全爱尔兰首席阿大主教神学博士威廉亚历山大阁下,犹太教教长长老派教会大会主席,浸礼会再浸礼会卫理公会以及弟兄会首脑,还有公谊会的名誉干事。